Karlbo Villas

Questions and Answers

Here are some frequently asked questions. We hope that the answers will help you planning your holiday in Kimitoön/Kemiönsaari. Feel free to contact us about any further inquiries!

1. Where can I obtain general travel information in Finland?

The Finnish Tourist Board’s offices throughout Europe supply information about Finland. Information is also available on the Internet at www.finland-tourism.com

2. How do I know if Karlbo is avaliable on a prefered date?

Have a look at the calendar on the reservation page. The red dates are booked and the yellow ones have preliminary bookings, all other dates are free.

3. How can I most easily book a holiday in Karlbo?

Just select the prefered date on the reservation page and fill in the required information and we will contact you ASAP to finalize the booking.

4. What happens once I have booked a date at Karlbo?

We will mail you a written confirmation of your booking, together with the payment instructions, all at the same time via email. We will also call you to finalize the booking.

5. How do I pay for my stay?

We will indicate our bank account number in Finland to which payment should be made (IBAN for foreigners). Currently we cannot accept credit cards but we are looking into having a Paypal account.

6. Will I receive confirmation that payment has been received?

No, we do not separately notify customers that payment has been received. If we do not receive payment, however, we will contact you.

7. What happens if I or one of my family becomes ill and cannot go on holiday? Will I get any money back?

You will get most of your money back. In the case of illness, you will only lose the deposit (20% of the rental). In order to get a refund you must send us a doctor’s certificate and your bank account number.

8. What if I leave before the end of my holiday? Will I get any money back?

Unfortunately no, as the time has been booked and payed for in advance.

9. Where do I get the key from?

When you make a booking we will send you instructions on payment and as soon as you have payed the booking fee we will contact you with the details regarding the keys.

10. What should I take with me?

The cottages have all the cookware and utensils for preparing and eating food. Electricity is also covered by the rental. Take your own bed linen and towels unless you decide to rent them as well in the reservation stage.

11. Can I also hire bed linen/towels and, if so, how much will this cost?

No, you have to bring your own bed linen and towels.

12. At what time can I start to use the cottage?

At 16:00 (4 p.m.) unless a separate agreement has been made.

13. What if we arrive at night or the following day? How can we get the key?

You must inform us of your time of arrival in advance. This is especially important if you intend arriving the next day or late at night.

14. Do you speak English? Swedish?

Yes, like any civilized person we do speak English – and Swedish and Finnish as well. And fluent French is also arrangeable by special request.

15. Do I have to clean the cottage?

You can enjoy your holiday to the full right up to the last day without having to clean the cottage at the end of your stay! You can book the final cleaning in advance when you reserve your stay.

However, if you wish to carry out the final cleaning yourself, please remember the following rules at least: carpets should be taken outside and beaten, the cottage should be vacuum-cleaned, floors should be wiped over with a damp mop, bed linen should be aired outdoors, crockery and cooking utensils should be washed, the shower and the WC should be cleaned, and all waste should be taken to the collection point. If you want to do the final clean up yourself you must bring your own equipment